Saturday, July 14, 2012

Freemasonry is the "corner stone" of ALL secret societies

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Analyze the meaning of...


F6An illuminated secret society member who has contributed to the Great work (which is keeping the masses at sleep!)IBM, eBay, DELL
R9The End or to end, apathetic, cruel, cold, evil, calculating, ruthless.Jeep, VW, eHarmony
E5Unbalanced, bad, war, stress, work, confusion, deceit, chaos or lies. Represents the masonic Compass and SquareAT&T, Grinch,Oz
E5Unbalanced, bad, war, stress, work, confusion, deceit, chaos or lies. Represents the masonic Compass and SquareAT&T, Grinch,Oz
M4Secret Society related or a member of a secret societyBUGS Bunny, VH1, CNN
A1The top, the best, the keyIRS, Microsoft
S1The top, the best, the keyIRS, Microsoft
O6An illuminated secret society member who has contributed to the Great work (which is keeping the masses at sleep!)IBM, eBay, DELL
N5Unbalanced, bad, war, stress, work, confusion, deceit, chaos or lies. Represents the masonic Compass and SquareAT&T, Grinch,Oz
6 + 9 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 5 = 42      4 + 2 = 6
6An illuminated secret society member who has contributed to the Great work (which is keeping the masses at sleep!)IBM, eBay, DELL

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